Foreword John Langone
Preface Dave Edyburn, Kyle Higgins and Randall Boone
Section 1 Historical, Policy, and Legal Foundations
1. Historical Perspectives about Technology Applications for People with Disabilities A. Edward Blackhurst
2. Comprehensive Statewide Programs of Technology-Related Assistance M. Nell Bailey, Nancy Meidenbauer, Judith Fein and Beth Mineo Mollica
3. A Federal Program to Support Innovation and Implementation of Technology in Special Education David B. Malouf and Jane Hauser
4. Assistive Technology and the IEP Penny Reed and Gayl Bowser
Section 2 Access for Diverse Populations
5. Cultural Research in Special Education Technology Howard P. Parette, Mary Blake Huer and Alan VanBiervliet
6. Access Granted: Achieving Technological Equity in the 21st Century Monica R. Brown
7. English Language Learners and Technology Carla Meskill and Shannon Hilliker
8. Proactive Accommodation: Web Accessibility in the Classroom Jim Allan and John Slatin
9. Information Training and Technical Assistance: A Case Study of the Culturally and Linquistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Institute Web Site Rosa Milagros Santos, Robert M. Corso and Dianne Rothenberg
Section 3 Assistive Technology
10. Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services in Schools Joy Smiley Zabala and Diana Foster Carl
11. Teaming and Assistive Technology in Educational Settings Cathy Bodine and Maureen Melonis
12. Students with Learning Disabilities Using Assistive Technology in the Inclusive Classroom
Tamarah M. Ashton
13. Assistive Technology and Students with Mild Disabilities: From Consideration to Outcome Measurement Dave L. Edyburn
Section 4 Disability Specific Technology Applications
14. Growing and Learning Through Technology: Birth To Five Susan G. Mistrett, Shelly J. Lane and Amy G. Ruffino
15. Technology Use and Students with Intellectual Disability: Universal Design for All Students
Michael L. Wehmeyer, Sean J. Smith and Daniel K. Davies
16. Classroom Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities Rena B. Lewis
17. Using Technologies to Meet the Unique Needs of Students with Emotional/Behavior Disorders: Findings and Future Directions Gail Fitzgerald
18. Physical Access in Today's Schools: Empowerment Through Assistive Technology Cindy George, Jennie I. Schaff and Tara L. Jeffs
19. Accessible Information Technology and Persons with Visual Impairments Richard Banks and Norman Coombs
20. Assistive Technology in Education for Students Who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf Marcia J. Scherer
21. Technology and Autism: Current Practices and Future Directions Matt Tincani and E. Amanda Boutot
22. Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Infusing Communication in an Academic Setting Laura J. Ball, Denise V. Bilyeu, Carrie Prentice and David R. Beukelman
Section 5 Instructional Design
23. Teamwork Needs Technology Len Haines and Gladene Robertson
24. Designing Digital Materials for Students with Disabilities Randall Boone and Kyle Higgins
25. Introducting Electronic Performance Support Systems Jennie I. Schaff, Brenda Bannan-Ritland, Michael M. Behrmann and Seunghun Ok
26. Assistive Technology and Universal Design for Learning: Two Sides of the Same Coin David H. Rose, Ted S. Hasselbring, Skip Stahl and Joy Zabala
Section 6 Technology and Instruction
27. Integrating Technology in Standards-Based Instruction Kevin M. Anderson and Cindy L. Anderson
28. Using Technology to Support Struggling Readers: A Review of the Literature Nicole Strangman and Bridget Dalton
29. Writing Tools: Technology and Strategies for Struggling Writers Merrill C. Sitko, Colin J. Laine and Carolyn Sitko
30. Mathematics and Technology-Based Interventions Paula Maccini and Joseph Calvin Gagnon
31. Interactive Technologies and Social Studies Instruction for Students with Mild Disabilities Cindy Okolo
32. Science in Special Education: Emerging Technologies Jennie I. Schaff, Marci Kinas Jerome, Michael M. Behrmann and Debra Sprague
33. Using Technology to Facilitate and Enhance Curriculum-based Measurement Lynn S. Fuchs, Douglas Fuchs and Carol L. Hamlett
34. Web-based Resources and Instructional Considerations for Students With Mild Cognitive Disabilities J. Emmett Gardner and Cheryl A. Wissick
Section 7 Professional Development
35. Improving Practice Using Assistive Technology Knowledge and Skills Elizabeth A. Lahm
36. Using Technology to Enhance Collaboration to Benefit All Students Pam Campbell and Bob Algozzine
37. Technology and Inservice Professional Development: Integrating an Effective Medium to Bridge Research to Practice Sean J. Smith and David Allsopp
38. Technology-Mediated Distance Education: Current Practice and Future Trends Barbara L. Ludlow
Section 8 Trends and Issues
39. Using Learning Assessments to Design Effective Programs Gerald Tindal and Lindy Crawford
40. Data-Mining Strategies for Researching the Effectiveness of Assistive and Instructional Technologies John Castellani and Brian Castellani
41. Robotic Devices as Assistive and Educational Tools for Persons with Disabilities Richard D. Howell